Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Pyrennean pictures: 2

This is us on the summit of Besiberri North (3015m). I'm the one on the right looking somewhat thoughtful. I made the mistake of drinking water from the burn on the way up, and it disagreed with me rather. The human body has a great capacity for getting you through things, and I stayed fairly functional through the tricky scramble that led to the summit (about British Diff), and back down it (perhaps even trickier). I then proceeded to feel awful, throw up and generally delay things once on easier ground. I got some rough doctoring from our resident anaesthetist (You're going to throw up again. Yeah, told you so.) and was persuaded to continue, minus rucksack. By the time we got to the nice alpine meadow at the base of the ascent, I was virtually back to normal.

It is a nice hill though.

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