Thursday, June 18, 2009

Why not?

I'm quite a fan of RSS feeds these days. They are great for getting rid of some of the more "creative" (i.e. hideous and useless) features of web pages. I was just looking at some cinema sites to see what's on and none of them have an RRS feed for this. It seems such an obvious thing to do.

1 comment:

Robert Craig said...

That's interesting. When I was doing my MSc software engineering I came up with the idea for my dissertation of The List, except online. All you'd have to do is persuade local bands/cinemas/venues/events to publish an RSS feed and the site I was going to build would collate and filter the feeds as per your requirements.

Didn't do it as I was told it wasn't sufficiently 'researchy', but it is probably a commercial opportunity for somebody.