Saturday, January 07, 2006

Getting better

I'm glad to say that I feel quite a bit better, and hope to go to work on Monday. I need to work out a reply to the traditional enquiry of "Did you have a nice Christmas?". "No, it was fucking miserable" may not strike the right note of cheery comradeship.

My spluttery wanderings round Newington the other day lead me to find a £2 copy of Joshua Reynold's Discourses on Art in the Bethany shop. I also explored the excellent and idiosyncratic Word Power books yesterday, which shows that moderate enjoyment can be had without adequate bronchial function.

Re-viewed Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy last night, and confirmed my impression that it was good. Some fans seemed to hate this version, but I'm not sure why. And there should be more knitted sequences in sci-fi films.


roGER said...

OK, I'll be the one to ask...

What is a "knitted scene" and why would sci-fi films benefit from it?

- roGER

Dave said...

If you watched the film of THGTTG you would understand. Sci-fi tends to get stuck in certain aesthetics (chrome and glass, say, or rain and urban decay) so anything fresh like depicting your characters as knitted puppets is welcome.